Keppel Union School District Families:

The National Weather Service is issuing a tropical storm warning for Hurricane Hilary between Saturday and Monday that could affect areas in Southern California, including Los Angeles County. Currently, there is a projected storm surge for the South and Southeast areas of LA County, projected gusts of winds upwards to 50 mph in the mountain areas. Currently, the Antelope Valley is under a tropical storm and flood watch. At this time, it is advised to plan for storm basics and expect:  

  • Wind

  • Debris

  • Power outages

  • Flooding

  • Road/street blocks

Keppel Union School District places the safety of students and staff as its highest priority. Keppel Union SD will send communications regarding the storm surge and its effects on the operation of our schools through our ParentSquare communication tool. You can also access information on our website at

Best regards,

Dr. Terry Walker

Superintendent of Schools