In May we celebrate our education staff and their dedication to making learning opportunities rigorous, engaging, and enriching in Keppel. Day of the Teacher is May 10th and this whole week, from May 8th-12th, is Teacher Appreciation Week. Teachers, thank you for igniting creativity and critical thinking everyday in our students!
almost 2 years ago, Dr. Jacqueline Cardenas
KUSD recognizes and thanks our Child Nutrition Professionals for their teamwork and dedication to students. We count on these team members to order, prepare and serve breakfast, lunch, and snacks to nourish students’ minds and bodies for greater focus and overall well-being.
almost 2 years ago, Dr. Jacqueline Cardenas
Fruit bowl
This evening 27 students competed in the RISE After School Program Geography Bee at Alpine School. Students represented Alpine, Daisy Gibson and Pearblossom Schools in the team competition. Congratulations to Team Alpine for winning the Geography Bee!!! Thank you to Ms. Bee and the RISE After School Program staff for facilitating a successful event!
almost 2 years ago, Dr. Jacqueline Cardenas
Alpine winners
Ms. Bee
Team photo
Hostess Cheryl
Attention all families and Keppel learning community members: Please join me for Breakfast with the Superintendent, “Opening Doors to Dialogue,” at one of our schools. You will hear about district resources and programs, as well as learn what is to come for the 2023-24 school year. Sessions repeat so you are invited to attend the breakfast meeting that aligns to your schedule hosted by any school. Have a great May!
almost 2 years ago, Dr. Jacqueline Cardenas
Breakfast invitation-Eng
Breakfast invitation -Spanish
KUSD thanks and recognizes its amazing administrators on School Principals’ Day! Thank you to Principal Barker (Alpine), Principal Acevedo (Antelope), Principal Leveque (Daisy Gibson), Principal Crawford (Keppel Academy), Principal Schatz (Lake Los Angeles), and Principal Gori (Pearblossom) for opening doors to students’ creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration daily!
almost 2 years ago, Dr. Jacqueline Cardenas
Open door
Today our District recognizes the outstanding work of our Secretaries, Clerks, and Executive Assistants on Professional Administrative Assistants’ Day. These are the dedicated individuals who are the first to greet our public and are the face of our District’s departments and schools. We thank them for making Keppel a warm and inviting place for all!
almost 2 years ago, Dr. Jacqueline Cardenas
Tulips in field
TK & Kindergarten enrollment is NOW open!! For the first time in KUSD, ONLINE enrollment is available for Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten!!! We are so excited to roll out online registrations and provided our Keppel parents a process in which they can complete from the comfort of their own home. For those parents that need assistance with completing the process, we have our very own Enrollment Center which will be open all summer long. Enroll your little one TODAY!!
almost 2 years ago, Lupita Ramirez
TK/K Enrollment
Estimadas familias de Keppel, Estamos extendiendo la mano para obtener su valiosa opinión mientras nos preparamos para evaluar el Plan de Responsabilidad de Control Local (LCAP), requerido por el Departamento de Educación de California. Este plan es esencial en la implementación de la Fórmula de Financiamiento de Control Local (LCFF). Por favor, haga clic en el enlace de abajo para tomar esta encuesta e indicar sus respuestas marcando la letra de cada una de las siguientes declaraciones que mejor reflejen su opinión. Enlace de la encuesta: Muchas gracias. Atentamente, Sra. Priya Darbari Asistente del Superintendente de Servicios de Instrucción Distrito Escolar Unido de Keppel
almost 2 years ago, Julissa Caceres
Dear Keppel Families, We are reaching out to get your valuable input as we prepare to evaluate the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), required by the California Department of Education. This plan is essential in the implementation of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). Please click on the link below to take this survey and indicate your responses by marking the letter of each of the following statements that best reflect your opinion. Survey link: Thank you! Sincerely, Mrs. Priya Darbari Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services Keppel Union School District
almost 2 years ago, Julissa Caceres
The Keppel Union School District would like to thank our amazing Bus Drivers for their daily continued support to transport students to and from school safely. Thank you to our dedicated team on School Bus Drivers’ Day!
almost 2 years ago, Dr. Jacqueline Cardenas
Bus balloon
Congratulations to our 2023 graduating class of 37 Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE) program participants. The district honored them for completing learning modules with a special ceremony, dinner from Olive Garden, and also gift bags presented by Save the Children. Families were inspired by the Keynote Speaker/Keppel Board Clerk, Alma Rodriguez, and were happy to celebrate the learning milestones of PIQE parents. Congratulations!!!
almost 2 years ago, Dr. Jacqueline Cardenas
keynote speaker
children if graduates
Mistress of ceremonies
Save the Children invited the community to come together to meet XOCHI, its beautiful bus and the newest addition to Keppel. Families from all over our district came by to say "Hi" and received resources from Antelope Valley Partners for Health, L.A. Care, and SBCC. Participants had a blast trying fun activities that were connected to STEM career books and searching high and low for eggs during an outdoor hunt.
almost 2 years ago, Dr. Jacqueline Cardenas
Ribbon cutting
Play station 1
Play station 2
Family fun
The districtwide Speech Contest was phenomenal, with students sharing their thoughts on whether we should or should not have zoos. Congratulations to each top school winner who represented their school well! Thank you, Mr. Sinclair, for organizing the contest and to our panel of esteemed judges.
almost 2 years ago, Dr. Jacqueline Cardenas
pledge of allegiance
group of student participants
We hope you enjoy today’s article in the Antelope Valley Press regarding Read Across America festivities at Alpine School and other Keppel district schools. Thank you to Mr. John Kornachuk, Alpine Teacher, for authoring the article and for taking such great pictures. (Please click on the link to see the article.) //
almost 2 years ago, Dr. Jacqueline Cardenas
Stacks of books
Keppel Union Celebrates 38th Annual Black History Month on February 28, 2023: Student artists were honored at a districtwide art contest awards ceremony hosted at Daisy Gibson School. Mrs. Waunette Cullors, Keppel Union Board President, served as the enthusiastic mistress of ceremonies. Renowned local artist guest speakers inspired students to express themselves through all forms of art and included: Saidah Gray, Clarence Pointer "Pencilman," Ashley Khan, Tony Smith, and Ayinde Love!
almost 2 years ago, Dr. Jacqueline Cardenas
Kinder student on stage
student artwork
guest speakers
student artist showing her work
District Launches KUSD Facebook page where you will find the most up-to-date information! Check us out!
almost 2 years ago, Joseph Robbins
Join us on Facebook
Keppel Union is in need of calling a Snow Day. THERE WILL BE NO SCHOOL TODAY 3/1/22. We have continued to assess road conditions and the weather is fluid. It is snowing in areas of the district and roads are slippery and not cleared. All late start buses have been canceled. Students who have been picked up will be at their school waiting for parent/guardian pick up. Thank you for your patience during unique storm weather. Keppel Union necesita convocar un Día de Nieve. NO HABRÁ CLASES HOY, Marzo 1, 2023. Hemos continuado evaluando las condiciones de las carreteras y el tiempo es fluido. Está nevando en áreas del distrito y las calles están resbaladizas y no despejadas. Todos los autobuses para escuelas que empiezan a las 8:50 a.m. han sido cancelados. Los estudiantes que han sido recogidos estarán en su escuela esperando que los padres/guardianes los recojan.Gracias por su paciencia durante el clima único de tormenta.
almost 2 years ago, Joseph Robbins
Classes will be in session today, March 1st. There is snow only in Juniper Hills thus far. It is raining in areas of the district with high winds. Some roads are flooded. Please be cautious. We will use alternative bus stops for Juniper Hills today and other areas as needed and families will be informed. /// Habrá clases hoy, 1 de marzo. Hasta ahora sólo hay nieve en Juniper Hills. Está lloviendo en áreas del distrito con fuertes vientos. Algunas calles están inundadas. Por favor tengan precaución. Usaremos paradas de autobús alternativas para Juniper Hills hoy y otras áreas según sea necesario y las familias serán informadas.
almost 2 years ago, Dr. Jacqueline Cardenas
“Find the mean before the MAD…mean absolute deviation,” coaches 7th grade Teacher Ms. Lopez at Keppel Academy. Students are collaborating as they implement AVID strategies.
almost 2 years ago, Dr. Jacqueline Cardenas
Students collaborating in class
Students collaborating in math
Teacher Lopez helping a student
Math lesson for today
Good morning Keppel Families, All district schools are open today. We will monitor the weather conditions to see if we need to make any adjustments and we will update you if circumstances change. Thank you! /// Buenos días Familias de Keppel, Todas las escuelas del distrito están abiertas hoy. Vamos a monitorear las condiciones climáticas para ver si tenemos que hacer algún ajuste y le informaremos si las circunstancias cambian. Gracias!
almost 2 years ago, Dr. Jacqueline Cardenas